
Frequency: from 42Hzalt

Enclosure Type: Mini tapped Horn

Size: 68x34x57cm

Recommended Driver:

Plan:  MTH-30



Designer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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BrickBait replied the topic:
5 years 4 months ago
Hi guys.

I have recently bought a collection of used speakers, and amongst them was some MTH30 enclosures. Unloaded.
So i am thinking of loading these things and see what they can do. Would be a nice little set of bins for small gigs and stuff.

But what to load them with today?
PD 12SB30 is not an option anymore, so i need to find something else.
I have read that Beyma 12LX60V2 should be good. And they are relativly easy to obtain.
But are there any better options? 18sound, B&C, Beyma, PD, Fane and RCF are all easy for me to get here in Denmark.
I dont care so much about the list pricing, so dont take that into account.

Right now i only focus on sound quality and SPL :)

Kind regards - Frank
giveortake replied the topic:
9 years 5 months ago
Thanks a lot Brian this is an amazing contribution !!
Brian Steele replied the topic:
9 years 6 months ago

giveortake wrote: Use this thread to discuss the MTH-30 design posted here .

Just in case anyone's interested, I've put together an Excel design spreadsheet that uses the MTH30's fold. You can modify the dimensions of each panel and also the rate of expansion, and the spreadsheet kicks out the corresponding HornResp parameters. To use the spreadsheet effectively, you need to ensure that any changes you make keep the "error" line in the horn expansion graph as close to zero as possible. Then just plug the parameters into HornResp to sim the results.

As shown, it suggests that two of the internal panels in the MTH30 plan might be a little short, about 1cm or so. I doubt that would make a noticeable difference to its output however.
fellamelad replied the topic:
10 years 1 week ago

fellamelad wrote: Hi i have built an MTH-30 using 18mm Ply and just sized up the cab by working out the internal measurements and working outwards if you know what i mean , in other words the whole cab is 6mm wider 12mm deeper and 9mm higher , i think that was right but i could just measure up the cab .

fellamelad replied the topic:
10 years 1 week ago
Hi i have built an MTH-30 using 18mm MDF and just sized up the cab by working out the internal measurements and working outwards if you know what i mean , in other words the whole cab is 6mm wider 12mm deeper and 9mm higher , i think that was right but i could just measure up the cab .
t.geessounds replied the topic:
10 years 2 months ago
am up for the building test
my email is
colinuk replied the topic:
10 years 2 months ago
I have drawn this up in Sketchup using 18mm board. If anyone is interested the file is in the 3d warehouse. I have not simulated, built or tested it. If you do, please share the results.
Vanheeske replied the topic:
10 years 7 months ago

I'm also looking for 18 mm plans, c'mon anyone?
t.geessounds replied the topic:
10 years 10 months ago
anthonytutton replied the topic:
11 years 3 weeks ago
Hi, I too would like to use 18mm ply, can anyone help with the measurements?
t.geessounds replied the topic:
11 years 4 months ago
have anyone have a modify plan for the mth-30 in 18mm plywood where an at i cant find 15mm
bitzo replied the topic:
12 years 9 months ago
Hi all,
I simmed the cab loaded with rcf mb12g301. I took care of the negative expansion created by the driver protruded into the horn mouth.
[attachment=1:380a5bpo]<!-- ia1 -->mth30sim.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:380a5bpo]
seems that a kick isn't needed but don't drop so low, it's a 2pi placement btw.
So.... I put some dogleg like in the apache sub, loaded with same driver
[attachment=0:380a5bpo]<!-- ia0 -->apache12sim.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:380a5bpo]
now it drops 10hz lower and is smaller. -10 cm tall -5 cm deep.
now it needs a proper kick section :)
Truckinve replied the topic:
12 years 11 months ago
We just build a MTH30, the only thing that is not finished is the paint , we will go for a latex one as this box is going to be on a fixed location on a pub and I need a different color than duratex.

Initial impressions:

-First and most important: This will be a very good first time build or if you have been a looong time out of woodworking smiley20 .
- For the size its very loud we were pretty amazed when you find the right spot and in this bar was a real pain.
- Clean bass this little beast will outperform most of the installs around the area.
- Only thing to check is be careful when using the PD Sb30 driver, if your using the 8 concealed holes be careful when punching them, use a big needle or whatever sharp object as you can damage the surround of the driver.
- And for gods sake dont use DM panel for mobile installs. We used it for the fixed but we dont want anyone moving this thinking is a chair.... :think:

The install consist in 8 LD coaxial boxes around the pub, sound was OK (after EQ) whitout the sub but the amps were working pretty hard at the most populated hours, so we decide for this sub and what a difference!, after running all the system thru a DSP processor and after test the MTH30, we were like :shock: , the amps were working at 20 or 30%?¿ hitting inside 80db (local law), and the SQ was very very nice.

Oh and some pics soon!

Big thanks to the designer and the Freespeakerplans users :-D
goodgroove replied the topic:
13 years 1 week ago
Are the JBL 2206 and JBL 2204 speakers suitable for this cab as I have a number of these spare?Thanks
BCSpeakers replied the topic:
13 years 1 month ago
can i use this cabinet for B&C 12PZ32? plz i need help, im searching for perfect cabinet. ! ! ! !
kentech replied the topic:
13 years 4 months ago
i have tested this woofer ... -2163.html
in MTH30, 2 bins. I would like to say that the SPL is way way way much bigger than a BR18" Cab ( i have tested side by side ). Even a single MTH had the SPL above the BR18".
Even with this very cheap driver, about 35-40E the SPL from 2 bins was more than u need, adleast more than i need...
For the future , i'm planing to buy Radian L12-8402 . I;m sure that this woofer is more apropriate for MTH and it will survive to many party's.
PS: the 18" BR is a 170L, tunned around 42hz and loaded with Paudio HP18S
kentech replied the topic:
13 years 5 months ago
thanx for your answers. smiley2
GekoMusic94 replied the topic:
13 years 5 months ago
Oh, sorry, I've forgotted to say that i've not tested they at the same power :oops: .

Anyway, no, the difference was very small. Two mth can easily outperform the turbo smiley20 .

Giacomo. smiley1
kentech replied the topic:
13 years 5 months ago
i;ve seen in the specification of TQ 425 that it has 100 db at 1w.
U said that it was louder the Turbosound than the MTH, meaning that MTH does not have 100 Db /1w/1m ? :roll:
Later Edit: i;ve looked at the Sim and there , the subwoofer TQ has about 102 Db at 100hz, and at 130hz it has 103Db.. so it's understandeble why is louder. Anyways, it has 2 x 15" woofer, so.. a lot of air is pomped there... it;s normal to be louder. Was the difference in therms of SPL so big ? would u consider that 2 MTH 30, loaded with your RCF LF12G301 will leave behind this TQ Subwoofer from Turbosound ?
GekoMusic94 replied the topic:
13 years 5 months ago
I've a/b tested it with a turbosound TQ-425 (2x15") and the MTH-30 has more throw, but the turbo has more SPL in front of it. The bass extension is about the same.
Keep in mind that the mth is 450watts and the turbo is 800, and the mth is about 140liters and the turbo is about 260liters! smiley2

Giacomo. smiley1
kentech replied the topic:
13 years 5 months ago
What about directivity ? is it directive ? it's like a horn.. for example Planar wave horn or smth else...
@Giacomo have u tested side by side your MTH 30 with an 15" or 18" woofer ? If u did, what woofer was in the Bas Reflex bin ? How many liters ? thanx
GekoMusic94 replied the topic:
13 years 5 months ago
I think the MTH-30 will have more SPL but is bigger than the Cubo 12. So the choice is:
-SPL but bigger (MTH-30);
-Smaller but less SPL (Cubo 12).
This is a personal opinion tho.

Giacomo. smiley1
kentech replied the topic:
13 years 5 months ago
i already talked to Cubo and he helped me choosing the woofer. I;m planing to use Selenium 12WS600 or Beyma 12LX60.
What woofer have u used in BR cab in the test and how many liters ?
Thanx for your answer mate ! smiley20
MAutopsy replied the topic:
13 years 5 months ago
goldwood's. yes a/b tested. leaves most single 18" bass reflex in the dust. there is no cubo 12 or mth 30 showdown. the mth30 was designed for a certain driver, and a few others work in it. the cubo was designed to accept a wide range of drivers, ask the designer about what drivers you plan on using and he will help you out.
kentech replied the topic:
13 years 5 months ago
4 cabs MTH 30 with what loudspeaker ? Pd 12DB30 ?
Have u compared 1 by 1 with an 18" BR speaker ? If u did, with what 18" woofer ?