Cubo 12:
Like it’s bigger brothers (Cubo 15/18), Cubo 12 is a multi purpose, stand alone bass bin. It will equal or outrun a single 18” BR* , from 50-55 Hz and up in terms of sensitivity. Given it’s external size of only 97,2 liters Cubo 12 realizes an unusual power full and light weight cabinet.
Cubo 12 will perform with a wide variety of 12” drivers**. The use of strong bass drivers with high power handling resulting in a surprisingly high maximum SPL for such a small cabinet. The usage of lighter mid bass drivers might (dependant on T/S-parameters) results in higher sensitivity, lower weight and extended bass response up to 140 Hz. There’s a good chance that your 10” bass or mid bass driver will perform just as well, except from noting a lower maximum SPL and/or sensitivity.
Development and design:
Based on the proven design of Cubo 15 and Cubo 18, Cubo 12 is designed to perform with 12” (and even 10”) drivers. Due to it’s unusual high SPL-capabilities 15 mm, 11-ply Baltic Birch is the preferred material of construction. Cubo 12 has been tested with a wide variety of 12” bass and mid bass drivers of which the measurements have been listed below.
A single cabinet can easily be made from a sheet of 153 x 153 cm (5’ x 5’) or four cabinets from 3 sheets of 244 x 122 cm (8’ x 4’).
Size: 45x45x48cm Frequency: From 44 Hz up to 140 Hz Enclosure Type: Hybrid
Footnotes:* 18Sound 18LW1400 in a 175 liter basreflex tuned to 37 Hz. (6,6 ft^3) vs. Cubo 12 (with all drivers measured). ** Apart from those drivers measured Cubo 12 will work with a wide variëty of 12" (and 10”) drivers preferably with an EBP of 100 or higher; Fs (30-52 Hz), Qts (0.20 - 0.37), Vas (50 - 125 L) / (1.77- 4.42 ft^3). Where EBP = Fs / Qts. If you're uncertain if a driver is suited, PM or mail me at
Note: The red dotted lines indicate how you would be able to cut 4 cabinets out of 3 sheets of 244 cm x 122 cm / 8' x 4'.
The red dotted lines to the outmost right indicate panels equal to the first column (of panels) at the left, for the second sheet the panels at the outmost right would equal the second column from the left, and so on.
With thanks to a forum member for making the picture renders and rendering the construction plans.